*************************** ALLARME VIRUS 8 MARZO 2001 *************************** Denominazione: W32/Naked@MM Trasmissione: via E-mail Outlook/Outlook Express Caratteristica: Virus HIGH RISK !!! Subject/Oggetto: "Fw: Naked Wife" Body/Testo: "My wife never look like that! ;-)" Best regards, (sender's name) File allegato: NakedWife.Exe Lanciando il file NAKEDWIFE.EXE, nel Suo PC tutti i file con estensione .BMP, .COM, .DLL, .EXE, .INI e i LOG-files saranno cancellati. Inoltre il virus si auto-invia via il programma Microsoft Outlook ad ogni indirizzo e-mail contenuto nell'indirizzario del Suo PC Difesa rudimentale: 1. disattivare nel programma E-mail l'eventuale opzione di "apertura automatica" dei file allegati 2. mai aprire allegati denominati "NAKEDWIFE.EXE" 3. cancellare il messaggio e il file allegato avendo cura di svuotare anche il cestino! Qui di seguito il "Virus Alert" in lingua inglese della McAfee del 7 marzo 2001: (((((((((((((((((( McAfee.com Dispatch ))))))))))))))))))))) _______________________VIRUS ALERT__________________________ ***************** VIRUS ALERT - W32/Naked@MM **************** Since its discovery early on March 6, 2001, McAfee.com has seen a large and growing number of computers infected with W32/Naked@MM. This is a HIGH RISK virus that is spreading rapidly via the Windows email program Outlook. The infected email can come from addresses that you recognize. Attached is a file named NakedWife.exe, which poses as a Flash movie. The email message can appear as follows: Subject: Fw: Naked Wife Body: My wife never look like that! ;-) Best regards, (sender's name) Attachment: NakedWife.exe When run, it copies itself to a TEMP directory and displays a window entitled "Flash" which reads "JibJab loading". It then attempts to delete all .BMP, .COM, .DLL, .EXE, .INI, and .LOG files in the WINDOWS and WINDOWS\SYSTEM directories and emails itself to all recipients in the Windows Address Book using Microsoft Outlook. --McAfee.com _______________________Virus Fixes__________________________ Trademarks 2001 McAfee.com Corporation / All Rights Reserved