package "printerr"

   version "1.40"

   purpose "compares two streams of data from the two files whose names are given
   as first and second arguments, where `-' means standard input.
   The third and fourth arguments are names of files (`-' means standard
   output) opened in write append mode.  Final results go to the third
   arg file, the list of errors go to the fourth arg file.
     If the streams are composed of the bytes 0x00 and 0xff, assumes
   one bit per input byte.
     If an error limit is given, stop after that number of errors.
     After the given clen unerrored bits assumes that the error burst
   ended, and if errlimit is given, stop after that number of bursts.
     Alternatively, if errlimit and blen are given, stop after that
   number of errored blocks.
     Without any of clen or blen, only consider the number of errors.
     The final results are the average number of errors per burst or
   block, the BER and the confidence interval.  If clen/blen is given,
   the confidence interval is computed on the number of bursts/blocks.
     If no fourth arg is specified, the list of errors is not written,
   else it is the sequence number of differing bits of the two streams,
   preceded by the burst/block sequence number if clen/blen is given."

   option "blen" b "block size in bits, used for stopping" int no
   option "clen" c "constraint length, used for separating error bursts" int no
   option "errlimit" e "stop after this number of errors" int no
   option "clevel" l "confidence level (default is 90%%)" float no
   option "debug" d "print some more error messages" flag off