package "channel"
version "1.31"
purpose "for each byte read from standard input, write a byte on
standard output. A 0x00 byte on input means the number -1,
while a 0xff byte means the number 1.
The input number is modified by noise, then quantised and compressed.
If no quantisation bits are specified, use hard quantisation. Else,
multiply the result by comp and quantise it in uniform quantisation
regions. Output numbers are in binary offset format: 0 is invalid,
1-127 is a 0 symbol, 128 is an erasure, 129-255 is a 1 symbol.
Noise types are:
clearsky: no noise (this is the default)
awgn,<ebno>: additive white Gaussian noise, channel Eb/No in dB
mtrace,<file>: multiplicative noise, file contains a sequence of
bytes in binary offset format: 0xff means 1, 0x01 means -1."
option "qbit" q "quantisation bits in [1-8] (default=1)" int no
option "comp" c "compression factor (default=1)" float no
option "noise" n "noise type (default=clearsky)" string no
option "seed" s "a 32-bit integer used as a seed (default=4357)" long no
option "debug" d "print generator polynomial on stderr" flag off